Quality of Education
Early Learners
Understanding our
Pedagogy & Curriculum
What children learn in their early years is incredibly important for their future success!
We are committed in ensuring that our settings strive towards creating quality provision where our workforce is confident in:
Understanding the importance of pedagogy and a child centred approach.
Understanding, creating and delivering a high quality EYFS curriculum.
Ensuring achieve their full potential.
We believe it is essential that children are prepared for their future success by giving children the best possible start to their early education.
We use our pedagogy and curriculum to enhance the experience and opportunities available to children, ensuring that we bridge the gap in children’s life experiences. We support children from all different stages in life.
We provide new and exciting experiences for children in state-of-the-art environments to help them learn through play. We believe that through implementing the EYFS curriculum and the interactions with practitioners, we can make all the difference for children. It is our role to help children experience the awe and wonder of the world in which they live, through the seven areas of learning.
Our Pedagogy
A child-centred approach
Our practitioners reflect continuously on all children’s progress, by understanding and assessing their development, our environments, relationships and the British Values which form our pedagogy. This enables our teams to really question and reflect on the 'how' and ‘why’ of early education.
Our workforce review and plan for children to make continuous progress in their development by reflecting on the children’s individual needs and their specific interests. We allow children to exercise their creative and critical thought process, encourage discovery, collaboration, risk taking and movement, whilst assessing through the 7 areas of learning. Most importantly we provide children time to revel in the simplicities and delight of the everyday.
An enabling environment provides children with the space and resources to play, explore and learn. Our classroom environments embrace wide variety of continuous provision which covers the seven areas of learning and development. A crucial aspect of Early Learners new long-term strategy is to create calm environments; neutral and natural spaces, accented with well thought out resources that are purposely placed to support and extend children’s learning.
Through our key person system, each child is able to form strong and meaningful relationships which is a key part of supporting their development. Our we work alongside children’s families, developing strong parent partnerships to ensure we gain a firm understanding of the their life experiences, relationships and interactions outside of the setting ensure they can positively impact on children’s development and behaviour.
British Values:
Through our firm knowledge and understanding of children as individuals we can identify how their family life, individual values, faith and belfies all have a positive impact and in turn allow them to develop a culture of love, belonging and friendships.
Our Curriculum
The Early Years Foundation Stage
Development Matters
The Early Years Foundation Stage E.Y.F.S is the time in your child’s life between birth and age 5. The EYFS Framework supports all professionals working in our settings.
The seven areas of learning and development are split into three prime areas and four specific areas. Children mostly develop the three prime areas first. As children grow, the prime areas will help them to develop skills in four specific areas.
Prime areas
Communication and language
Physical development
Personal, social and emotional development
Specific Area
Understanding the world
Expressive arts and design
These seven areas are used to plan each child’s individual learning and activities. Our highly skilled workforce teach and support each child by ensure that activities are structed to enhance each child’s unique learning path.
Each term children's key workers set their 'termly focus'. This is made up of:
- Key person's understanding of children's development
- Tracking & assessments
- Links to the Development Matters.
Our team then plan by using 'the Threes I's'. These are:
Intent, Implementation & Impact.
Intent refers to what we want our pupils to learn. Implementation is the teaching activities we decide to use to teach our curriculum.
The impact is what our pupils have learnt from the curriculum.