Complete your Parent Declaration Form
To access your early years funding for your child, you will be required to complete a funding form for your local council. Here at Early Learners we complete these digitally. All information is kept safely and securely on our system. If you are updating your details please complete the 'notification slip' to inform us about your change in information.
Be prepared:
Prior to completing this form your will require:
digital photograph of your child's passport,
digital photograph of your child's birth certificate,
your eligibility funding code from:
if applicable, your local authority 2 year old passport.
if applicable, receipt of your DWP (Department for Work & Pensions) or DLA (Disability Living Allowance) award letter.
You will be asked to confirm your child and parent(s)/ carer(s) details.
Please note: Failure to provide sufficient evidence will result in your form being invalid and you will then be asked to complete the process again.
If you require further support, simply bring the evidence in to nursery and our manager can support you submit the declaration form.
The stages:
Stage 1
Parent(s) complete form and attach evidence.
Parents are asked to provide an email address to verify their identify.
Failure to provide evidence will result in the form being invalid.
Stage 2
Parent(s) check their emails and acknowledge that they have completed the funding form.
Form is then sent to Customer Care Team
to check detail.
Stage 3
Customer Care Team verify information and check child's identification documents provided.
Failure to provide evidence will result in you being asked to complete the form again.
Stage 4
Once confirmed, both parties are sent confirmation that the agreement has been completed.
Forms are kept safe and secure.
Forms are audited by the local council.
Select your local council:
Declaration Form
Declaration Form
Use the following 'notification slip' to inform us of your updated details:
Please complete the relevant section of this slip:
Child’s change of name (please keep copy of deed poll attached to original Parent/Carer contract)
Child leaving Setting
Child’s change of address
Child’s change of hours
Please note: Failure to inform us of your correct personal information may result in the loss of funding.
Notification Slip
Notification Slip
Notification Slip