Our Term-Time
Pre-School Classroom
This is a new classroom opening 2025. Register your interest,
join our waiting list and reserve your child's future place!
About Us
In 2025 we will be opening a new Term-Time only Pre-School for 3 & 4 year olds. Parents must be eligible to claim the 15 hours Universal Funding. Please ensure you register your child early and join our waiting list.
Due to childcare demand this option is not currently open to 30 hrs Working Families Funding. Families will be unable to switch part-way through the year from term-time (38 weeks) to stretched funding (52 weeks). An academic calendar will be issued in advance.
Our term-time and stretched pre-school classes are operated in separate groups and classrooms. The new classroom will operate from our front building, upstairs classroom (formerly the after-school club). Our Breakfast & holiday club will continue to operate as per normal. Prior to opening we will invest in a wide range of new furniture and resources.
Children can attend for 3 hour per session, 9am to 12pm or 1pm to 4pm. Parents can only use a maximum of 6 hours of funded hours in one day. Parents can pay for an additional hour between 12pm to 1pm. Payment of fees are due monthly in advance. This is a packed lunch class only. We cannot provide hot meals with this option.
Places are very limited. To secure a place a parent must provide a refundable deposit. Failure to start will result in the deposit being lost.
Our Gallery
Only Option
5 Sessions - 15 hours per week - 38 weeks per year
9am to 12pm
3 Hours Session
Midday Hour(s)
12pm to 1pm
1 Hour Session
1pm to 4pm
3 Hours Session
This option is a fully funded with additional
time which is chargeable.
Understanding early years funding
In line with the Early Years statutory guidance childcare providers cannot use more than 10 funded hours within one day. Parents are never charged for funded hours. Government funding is intended to deliver free, high quality, flexible childcare. Early Learners do not require a registration fee however we do require a refundable deposit to register your child and secure a future place. This is refunded as long as your child starts.
Funded hours is not intended to cover the costs of additional services. Parents can therefore expect to pay for additional services offered by the childcare provider alongside their funded entitlement. This is a private matter between the provider (Early Learners Nurseries) and the parent. All additional services are therefore chargeable. We only accept the payment of fees, monthly, in advance. Parents are required to provide notice in line with our terms & conditions.
Additional Services:
Meals (lunch, dinner or snacks, food activities, baking),
Consumables, (clothing / uniform or sundries - wipes, creams, ),
Additional time (wrap around hours & extra days/ sessions),
Enhanced Activities (trips & outings, extra curricular programmes, special events).